FOCUS Serves and Supports the Following Correctional Facilities
Anderson County Detention Facility
Knox County Detention Facility
Sullivan County Jail
Bledsoe County Correctional Complex
Blount County
Join the cause of mentoring women behind the walls in one of the facilities FOCUS serves throughout East Tennessee. Volunteer facilitators are equipped to lead Christ-centered classes, provide life-skills education, and focus on recovery.
FOCUS is currently available in state prison and county jails throughout East Tennessee. The goal is to coordinate well with facility leaders, staff classes with passionate and competent volunteers, and host classes that challenge and inspire women to real-life change from the inside out. When successful, students of the program know they have:
A strong support system during incarceration and beyond
A firm foundation in the basics of biblical living and the knowledge of how to grow in their faith
A way of escape from the empty ways of living found in incarceration and addiction cycles
A base of knowledge on how to be a better spouse, parent, daughter, and productive member of society
Become a FOCUS Facilitator
Whether a full-program or a classroom partner facility, FOCUS strives to give the HOPE of JESUS to women behind the walls. If you would like to become a FOCUS Facilitator and join in this impactful work, please click the button below.
“To be honest, I have no idea where to even begin. Let’s go all the way back. I was born into an ever raging battle. I’ve seen the good and the bad. Of course, it is so simple to say I became a product of my environment or to simply blame others for the mistakes I have made up til now in my life but it is so much more than that! I was born with generational curses and have given the enemy, satan, some new ones throughout my life. I became everything I said I never would. I listened and began to believe all the negative things people would tell me, that is until I realized that by simply believing my whole life could change. I have carried around so much trauma and hurt with me for years. I had no clue how to begin the healing process. I turned to rebelling any chance I got. I turned to drugs, unhealthy relationships, and even self-harm at one point. It wasn’t until I hit complete rock bottom at the end of 2022, early 2023 that I truly started my ultimate healing process and that was by accepting God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to truly start working on me. This is not an overnight process. I am still struggling with different things at different times but I remind myself that my God is Almighty and He can do everything but fail. I am so blessed and thankful to have all the ladies at FOCUS Ministries to help me along my healing process and God and Jesus Christ for making me a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
~Mary Ferguson
“Before participating in the Freedom for Life program I knew of spiritual warfare and I knew to gird myself with the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-17). Because the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8) I was well aware that the majority of problems in my life were not with opponents that I could see with my fleshly eyes (Ephesians 6:2) but with unseen forces of wickedness and rulers of the dark. Even though I have always believed in this war, I never realized how much of my bondage and misery was linked to a thing called “strong men” and “soul ties.” There are so many great programs offered here at ACDF, but this one was by far the most beneficial to me because even though I have the opportunity to get some certifications in welding or a few other trades. What good will that do me if I am a slave to ancestral curses and “lucky me” gets my own familiar spirits assigned to my family from generation to generation. I just assumed no one would ever love me because that’s just how my family is, I never knew I was cursed to feel this way! I didn’t realize my emotional disturbances or divorce in my family, or delusion in my family, or persistent financial shortages in life, or known suicides was because of curse and curses that were caused by mine and my family’s rebellion! I am just baffled at all the ways in which I have brought upon myself strongholds, unknown to me, the damage it would cause in my life. Because of my pride and unbelief I opened a door for satan to torment me and torment me he has for twenty-seven years. I was ignorant to the fact that rebellion has witchcraft and I break it with words what I caused by my actions. The insight this class has revealed to me is literally other worldly. I thought as long as I was obedient it didn’t matter if I had a bad attitude about it! It does matter though, because it reveals rebellion in my heart and in turn leads to sin which can lead to a stronghold. Every time I rebel agains God and His word I give control to demonic powers to control me. The pride I carry in my heart and the rage that reverberates through my body is a feasting ground for demonic forces and it has pulled me around most of my life, with me completely unaware of what was actually happening to me. Through Freedom for Life, I learned freedom comes from me taking responsibility. for my actions and attitudes without blaming anyone else. Once I confess my willful sin and disobedience in my life God will forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) I was also able to get real with myself about all the emotional trauma I continuously repressed ad the wounds in my heart have been the opening for the enemy to introduce lies that kept me in bondage to pas pain. I learned I can overcome sin but my pain must be healed! Nothing can remove the pain I carry around inside but God! I don’t have to stay a victim. I am responsible for how I respond to negative people, and the rejection and abuse in my life does not mean God has canceled His plans for me. I am responsible to come to Jesus, give Him my pain, and ask Him to heal me. I learned I cannot let these demonic forces get the best of me. When I hear them telling me I am not enough I must renounce them and rely on God’s Word and truth. I was able to learn about inner vows I made against myself and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten me to how I tried myself to m traumatize past in an unhealthy way. I realize I blinded myself to a fleshly mindset that prevented my emotional and spiritual development. I didn’t even know about all these unseen forces that were keeping me entangled in a vicious cycle of mental and physical disturbances before this class. My inner vows took control of my life from God and predetermined the wa my life became. I set myself up for the devil to have full control once me just by speaking inner vows into existence! I see these inner vows evident in so many areas of my life, even the ones that laid dormant. I learned that unforgiveness was not only a heavy burden for me to carry but it was not even an option for me as a Christian. It is a comment to forgive! Without forgiveness I put myself in a mental and spiritual prison, torment and bondage. My spiritual and emotional healing including deliverance depends on forgiveness! And the first step to forgiveness was me realizing I cannot do it without God’s power! Then I realized I had to close doors as well! I had all of this turmoil I have experienced most of my life and never knew the root of the problem in turn I couldn’t fix the problem! This class once again opened my eyes to problems I didn’t even know I had but also gave me a remedy/solution so that I could find true healing. I know that through being a child of God I have rights to freedom. I reclaimed and took back the ground I surrendered. I evicted the enemy and re-established divine order to my life. I addressed curses, repented of my sins, and my forefathers sins and learned how to break the powers of generational curses over my life. The most difficult thing for me was renouncing the soul ties! These were with people I love and don’t want to let go of even if I know they are unhealthy for me and only hurting me. I created a lot of soul ties through a time of vulnerability and love these people because it feels like they are all I have! But in order to heal I know that I have to let go of some people. I never knew that some of my oppression was from bondages I was born into from generations back. I learned about binding strongmen and it was a lot to take in. I remember specifically last week Tonya praying to break certain strongmen in our lives and she said raise your hand if you start to get tension, or a headache or sick and I will pray with you and I remember tasting bile in my throat because satan convinced me to not have her pray for me because I was too embarrassed of what people would think and so when I could have been freed I allowed pride to keep me in bondage. Which is a perfect example of how satan keeps us trapped. Hopefully by the end of this course though I’ll have faced my demons literally and have broken some chains the devil has me enslave to in my life. I realize I need God’s intervention in my life. I just need to find the courage to do what I always knew I needed done. Thank you for enlightening me to the true root of my problems! I highly recommend this class to anyone seeking true freedom form their demons-literally.”
~Sarah Morelock