You can bring hope of Jesus to incarcerated
and newly-released women in a variety of ways.
BEHIND THE WALLS- Facilitate a class or church service in a correctional facility near you.
BEYOND THE WALLS-Connect with the ladies in our reentry program homes in various ways.
AMBASSADOR-Connect your church or community partners with FOCUS Ministries.
SPECIAL EVENTS-Provide support for special events like graduations, fundraisers, etc.
ADMIN SUPPORT- Assist with light administrative duties like copying, mailing, and managing records.
MEDIA SUPPORT-Share stories, photos, and videos on social media platforms or manage the FOCUS website.
MAINTENANCE- Use your trade skills to maintain or repair reentry homes or vehicles.
OTHER- What is your passion for ministry? We want to hear about your ideas!
SECRET PIN PAL-Write letters to an inmate behind the walls weekly to give encouragement
LOVING LISTENER-Become a mentor for a new lady entering the program and check in weekly
PRAYER PARTNER-Become a prayer warrior with us to intercede for the ministry